Maintenance Pricing

You work hard for your money and while you probably don’t mind paying to get your site fixed, you probably don’t like giving away free money, right? Yeah, we don’t either.

Which is why we have our maintenance rate set to $1 per a minute. Most other companies, in any industry, like to charge hourly rates. What’s our problem with hourly rates? Free money!

If someone is charging by the hour and fixes your problem in 15 minutes, guess what, you are still paying a full hour’s worth of work. When we do 15 minutes worth of work, that’s all you are going to pay for, 15 minutes.

If you are ready for us to work on your website, just use the button below to get started. 


Maintenance Pricing

You work hard for your money and while you probably don’t mind paying to get your site fixed, you probably don’t like giving away free money, right? Yeah, we don’t either.

Which is why we have our maintenance rate set to $1 per a minute. Most other companies, in any industry, like to charge hourly rates. What’s our problem with hourly rates? Free money!

If someone is charging by the hour and fixes your problem in 15 minutes, guess what, you are still paying a full hour’s worth of work. When we do 15 minutes worth of work, that’s all you are going to pay for, 15 minutes.

If you are ready for us to work on your website, just use the button below to get started.